Home > Accounting & Billing > Manual Entry of Billing Tokens

Manual Entry of Billing Tokens

If you have received a Billing Token extract from your new billing provider, you can manually enter them into GymMaster Member profiles to link their billing details (CC or Bank Account).

Please note, in order to be able to manually enter your member's billing tokens, a GymMaster staff member must enable the feature from our end. Please email help@gymmaster.com, from your GymMaster account holder's email address, requesting that we turn on 'Allow staff to enter in Member Tokens for Billing'.

The following will be a chain of annotated screenshots from GymMaster for each billing provider this feature is enabled for. If you are hard of seeing, or the pictures are outdated, please notify help@gymmaster.com so that we can assist.



Some errors you may see if the Token details are incorrect:

  • EziDebit rejected the action with this error: Could not find a customer with the provided details.
  • EziDebit rejected the action with this error: 'EziDebitCustomerID' must be an integer



Some errors you may see if the Token details are incorrect:

  • EzyPay Error: Value is invalid id format. Must be specified as XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX.





