Dishonor fees are created by your billing provider when a payment fails. Often, banks have charge-back fees to the entity doing the billing, when a transaction is dishonored, so this fee needs to be recovered from the member or gym. A lost or stolen credit card on file will generate dishonor fees, as will insufficient funds in the account. It is possible for billing to fail where no dishonor fee is created. If you want to know why a dishonor fee was generated, please contact your billing provider.
Different billing providers will handle dishonor fees differently. Most often these fees are passed onto the gym itself, but some billing providers will allow you to have dishonor fees charged directly to the member. In either case, the dishonor fee will not show in the Member Account history, as GymMaster does not generate the fee.
GymMaster provides a method for you to recoup the cost of dishonor fees from the member who had a dishonored payment. This is the Dishonour Penalty Fee under Advanced Configuration > Billing. We recommend that you set this value equal to the fee that your billing provider changes you for each dishonor, however, you can set it to any value you choose. When a member has a dishonored payment, GymMaster will create a charge equal to this value and will attempt to bill it on the member's next billing cycle.
You do not need to set a Dishonor Penalty Fee at your facility, by default this value is 0. If you have concerns about dishonor fees or you would like to change how they are charged, please reach out to your Billing Provider directly.
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