Home > Member Portal > Customise the way your memberships are displayed in the Member Portal

Customise the way your memberships are displayed in the Member Portal

If you have a large selection of memberships available online, you may wish to provide some filtering options. The primary way of filtering memberships is using Membership Divisions. By default, your division names will be used as headers for your membership categories. You can choose your divisions to suit your gym, dividing on the specialisation (e.g yoga, golf ) or the age of the members (e.g student, senior), or any other factor that you wish. As you can see in the screenshot, this gym has three memberships available online in the 'Adult Memberships' division, and one membership available online in the 'Senior Memberships' division. 


To create a new membership division, go to Settings > Membership Types > View Division List > Add Division.

Once you have created the divisions you want, you will need to edit your Membership Types to be set to the correct division. Navigate to Settings > Membership Types > Edit > Division.



When you edit the Membership Type, you can also change its Background Colour by changing the dropdown. Colour can help you bring attention to certain memberships or reinforce your brand image. The colour you choose will also appear in the member app.

If you would like more filtering in the list you can enable the setting Multi-Step Membership List. If this is enabled, the member portal will display a list of buttons for divisions first, then payment schedules, then memberships. To enable this setting go to Settings > Member Portal > Memberships > Multi-Step Membership List.



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