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How to use QR Code Check-in

One of the many ways for your members to check in at your facility is by using QR Codes. Members can scan a QR code using the GymMaster Member's App, triggering a check-in to your GymMaster system.

QR codes can be used for reception check-in, or for access control with doors.

How a member checks in from the app

Checking in for a member is simple. From the GymMaster Member's App, click the 'Scan' option at the top of the Home page, which will open their phone's camera. Scan the QR code with the camera, and the check-in will be sent through to GM.

There are two ways you can present a check-in QR Code to your visitors:

  1. Run the GM Kiosk Check-in page on a computer at your reception
  2. Download a QR Code, and print it

Specifics on each of these methods are below.

Display a dynamic QR Code

A dynamic QR Code displays on your Kiosk check-in page. This QR code refresh every couple of minutes, which guarantees your visitors are actually at your facility when they are checking in. This page can be displayed at reception on a dedicated check-in monitor for your visitors.

The Kiosk check-in page can found by navigating to, Settings > Doors & Readers > [Open Kiosk Check-in]  (QR code icon) for the reader you wish to check-in at.

Note: As this QR Code is constantly changing, it can't be copied or downloaded to be used for check in. If you want a downloadable version, use the static QR Code option below.

There's a dedicated user permission for Kiosk check-in to allow you to set up a staff profile with only access to the Kiosk Check-in page. Under the Permissions tab on a staff's user profile, look for the Role: Kiosk under the Role Group: Member.

Download a static QR Code


  • GymMaster v1380+
  • Advanced Configuration setting: 
  • Address set in club details (and accurate)
    • Your address will be used to determine if a member is close enough to your facility to check in

A static QR Code can be downloaded for any of your doors or readers. Each QR Code will be specific to that door or reader, so if you have more than one door you will likely want to download multiple.

QR Codes can be downloaded by navigating to, Settings > Doors & Readers > [edit] the reader you wish to set up check-in for > [Check-in QR Code]

Note: Static QR Codes expire one year after downloading. This expiry date is included in the filename for the downloaded QR code for your reference.

Sample template for displaying a printed QR Code

An option for displaying the QR Code to your members is to create a template with your branding on it. This will be more familiar to your members and allow you to include some instructions to help your visitors get used to the check-in process. Below is a sample of one way this could look.


Error message: "Missing co-ordinates for check in"

Your facility doesn't have a location set yet! Head to Settings > Club Details and enter your facility's address.


Error message: "You're too far away from the facility to check in"

GymMaster will calculate how far away from the facility the check in has come from. This ensures people can only check-in when they are at your facility, and can't open your doors remotely. 

If someone is getting this error, check:

  • they are actually at your facility
  • their location settings are correct on their mobile
  • your facility has the correct address set up in Settings > Club Details


Error message: "QR code expired"

As a security measure, QR Codes will expire after a certain amount of time, which varies depending on whether it's dynamic or static.

  • Dynamic: The dynamic QR Code which displays on your Kiosk Check-in page will refresh every couple of minutes.
    • If you're getting this error message while scanning your screen, try to refresh the page and try again. If the issues persists contact the GM Support team.
    • If you've made a copy or downloaded this QR Code, try the static download option instead.
  • Static: Static QR Codes expire one year after they're downloaded. This expiry date is included in the filename for the downloaded QR code.
    • If your code has expired, it's time to download a new one to replace your existing one.