Home > Feature Guides > Mass Prospect Data Upload Tool

Mass Prospect Data Upload Tool

You can import prospects into your GymMaster database using the upload tool. 
To access the upload tool, go to https://yourgymname.gymmasteronline.com/csv E.g https://strongergym.gymmasteronline.com/csv

To use the tool, you must:

  • Use the column headers from the Starting Spreadsheet Template. We strongly recommend that you copy and paste these template headers into your spreadsheet, to replace your current headers. The columns can be in any order, but the header names must be exactly the same as in the template, otherwise, the system will not recognize the data. The only fields you must fill out for every member are member_firstname and member_surname. All other columns are optional. Delete the columns that you do not intend to use. 
  • Save your spreadsheet in a .xlsx format (In your spreadsheet software go to file > save as > data.xlsx)
  • Use the same style of date throughout the spreadsheet.
  • Choose the correct date format from the dropdown so the system can interpret the date correctly.
  • Select Issue New Member IDs if you do not want to bring IDs over from another CRM
  • Select Import Additional Columns if you want unusual data - this allows you to import information that is not usually stored by GymMaster. This will be stored in a ‘label’ on the member that you can use to run reports E.g. a column titled prospect_from might record where you first made contact with that prospect. 



1. Once you have saved the spreadsheet in the xlsx format, upload it.



2. Click 'Import Members'. Expect to get an Import Failed error the first time you hit 'Import Members.' Download the file.



3. If you open the spreadsheet you downloaded, you will see that there are some additional columns added, highlighted in blue. You can ignore these, the headers are necessary for the import but do not need data under them. Check the rest of the spreadsheet by zooming out and looking for colored cells. If there are colored cells underneath the header row (first row), refer to the error keys sheet to find out what the issue is, and fix it. Common issues include letters in phone numbers and missing last names.


4. Save the file you downloaded, and upload it again as you did in step 1. If the file was formatted correctly, you should see the right number of members successfully imported.



5. Select 'Commit Import' and navigate to find member > Everyone to see the prospects you just uploaded.

If the import failed, download the spreadsheet again and try to fix the errors. If you get stuck, email GymMaster support with the spreadsheet you just downloaded and the name of your facility. 




6. To convert your prospects to members, give them memberships:

-Create a Membership Type

-Give a Member a Membership

-Incomplete Memberships: Completing a membership