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Changing a member's membership

To change a member from one type of membership to another, we recommend cancelling the existing membership and adding a new one. This article is for changing a single members membership. If you want to change the Membership Type so that the change applies to more than one member see the article Changing a Membership Type for all Members with that Membership.

Check the member's Account History, to see when they have paid until, use this as the cancellation date. In the example below the member's latest payment pays for their membership until 27th June 2019.

Start the new membership from the day after this to ensure that there are no days that the member does not have access to the facility. If they also want to change the payment date, then you can select an alternative First Payment Date, and the system will adjust their membership charges accordingly.

There are a few reasons we advise cancelling the existing membership and then starting a new one.

  • Firstly, if you are wanting to change the payment cycle, then this is the only way to switch between cycles. Where a cycle is weekly, fortnightly, monthly, quarterly or yearly. 
  • Secondly, your member has signed a contract for the initial membership that states their payment frequency. To avoid any disputes they will need to sign the new contract approving the new cycle. 
  • Thirdly, along the same contract lines, different memberships have different Terms & Conditions, and Waivers. So when a member switches membership, they should update their agreement information for the new membership type.
  • And lastly, it's useful for you and other staff to see the full membership history of a member. This way all of their charges in the accounts make sense, and there is no confusion about how their fees/name have changed. 

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