
How does it work?

Once you're set up, ClassPass members will be able to book into your classes via the ClassPass app.

When they do, they show up in GymMaster along with all your regular members, with small icon in their profile indicating they're a ClassPass user. In order to avoid spam from both GM and ClassPass, the members are not imported with any email or phone number. If a cancellation occurs, they will be notified via ClassPass not GymMaster.

If they cancel the booking, this will show up in GymMaster too, opening a slot for another person to book. If you need to cancel ClassPass member's booking, you will need to use your ClassPass Dashboard. This is enforced by the ClassPass system, so we cant change it at this point. You can however still cancel any class in full. The ClassPass user will then be notified of the class cancellation through their app.


Getting Setup

The integration can be setup in GymMaster by heading to Settings > Integrations > ClassPass

Once there, use the [Enable Connection] button to generate a Partner ID. If you have more than one club in GymMaster, choose which of these clubs should be integrated with ClassPass.

Lastly, share your Partner ID and your Venue ID with the team at ClassPass.


Which classes can be booked?

Class availability is determined by your Class and Member Portal booking configurations in GymMaster. Basically, if a booking is available to "walk-ins", it will be shown on the ClassPass app.
Essentially this means you must have the following option ticked.



Setting a Fixed Price has no effect, as payments will always be sorted on ClassPass' end. Bookings originating from ClassPass will always be made in GymMaster at $0.


Booking restrictions with ClassPass

GymMaster allows for multiple booking restrictions, but not all of these can transferred to ClassPass.


ClassPass has no options for age-restrictions for the bookings. ClassPass is an 18+ service, but no other restrictions.
If you have any senior classes (65+) or specific age ranges (18-24), these cannot be enforced automatically. You should state any age restrictions clearly in the class name to avoid confusion.

Terms of Service / Waivers

ClassPass has their own advice for these, but usually you just need to put in the class description to show up 20 minutes early to their first session to sign any required Terms of Service / Waivers.
You can record these under their profile in GymMaster, so after the first session they can come in as normal.

Max Book Ahead

ClassPass's maximum book ahead period is 2 weeks, so the members can never book too far in advance. If you set your limit in GymMaster lower (say 3 days) ClassPass will enforce that limit. Setting it higher (3 weeks) with have no effect in the ClassPass app.


How do I set up new class types?

If your new class has the same credit price as your Baseline price in ClassPass, there's nothing special you need to do. Just set up the new Class Type in GymMaster, and start scheduling them in. Please note it may take up to 24 hours for the new classes to appear in ClassPass.

If your new class has a different credit price, the new setup can take about a week. You will need to take the follow steps:

  1. Set up the new class type in GymMaster.
  2. Book the first class at least 3 weeks from today.
  3. Contact ClassPass, and give them the class name and time for the first booking.
  4. Agree on a credit price with ClassPass and sign the forms.

Once that is done, you can go back and start scheduling the classes as normal. The placeholder class made in step 2. can also be freely deleted.

The GymMaster Class descriptions are automatically exported to ClassPass, but the images are not. Since GymMaster app/portal has a different recommended aspect ratio/size for images we don't export images to ClassPass. We recommend uploading images directly via your ClassPass dashboard to get the best control over what users will see in their app.